
Tired of reports, studies, and publications on hybrid working? Check out what these leaders have to say about hybrid leadership.
28 June 2022
Confidence can be learned - make some small changes and get the confidence habit!
30 September 2020
John Kotter's eight step change model heavily influences current thinking on organisational change. Here's a brief summary of the model, along with thoughts on its strengths and weaknesses, supplied by Larry Reynolds.
04 September 2020
If you want to change your organisational culture, or even the culture within your team or department, all you have to do is these five things
28 July 2020
Effective leaders are always learning and adapting
28 July 2020
Quick tips to make reports easier to write and easier for your audience to read
28 July 2020
Use the acronym HOST to ensure your meetings start well
28 July 2020
Resilience isn't something we're all born with, but everyone can learn how to improve their adaptability to change at work. Some people have the ability to take stress and turn it into something they thrive off, and for others there are skills that can be developed.
12 June 2020
Quick tips to ensure your Zoom meeting goes smoothly
03 April 2020