Building Your Resilience at Work (full day)

An in-depth look and the personal application of practical simple tools to help you cope with demands and pressures at work
Full day


Resilience is the ability to cope well with pressure, to keep going even when things get tough, and to learn from mistakes and set backs.

Resilience isn't something you're born with, it's a skill you can learn. With the right tools, techniques and mindset you can learn to thrive under pressure. This course will help you stay calm and focused even when things around you are changing rapidly. It will enable you to understand your own particular stressors and work with others to gain a deeper understanding of the personal impact that stress can have and how to protect yourself.

You will come away with a toolkit of proven methods to perform well under pressure, and to take care of yourself so you don't get stressed or burnt out.

What you'll learn

  • The seven elements of personal resilience
  • Helpful techniques to gain perspective in the moment (avoid making a drama out of a crisis)
  • How to create a powerful personal mission statement that will keep you on track
  • A proven technique to help you get back to sleep when you wake in the night and worry about issues at work
  • Why the negative bias of the brain causes us problems and the physiology of stress
  • How you can use your body to change your emotions
  • The surprising way in which changing your language when you talk about difficulties, can change your outcomes
  • Why we need supportive relationships with co-workers
  • What the resilient say to themselves that makes them stronger
  • What our personal response to stress is’ - which one of the 5 stress-drivers affects us and how to provide the antidote
  • Creating a personal 4-week resilience building plan

Who is it for?

The course will suit participants at all levels who

  • find themselves getting stressed and want to cope better and avoid getting sick
  • work in relentless or tough environments
  • are generally interested in becoming more resilient at work

Your facilitator

Shona Ward
Shona Ward

Shona loves to help people make changes in their people skills that produce big results. She is a Managing Partner of the Learning Curve Network and has been designing and delivering interactive training events since 1987. She began her career providing individual counselling and psychotherapy in Further Education, Health and Social services and uses this background in psychology to make her training effective and long lasting. She provides management development, staff event facilitation and interpersonal skills training across multiple sectors and has worked with manufacturing companies, language schools, insurance companies, publishers, utility companies, housing associations, NHS Trusts, and universities . Our clients say that she is engaging, informative, and inspires confidence.


I attended the 'building your resilience at work' training with Shona. She was so lovely and enthusiastic. The training was enjoyable and informative with helpful techniques to use to build your resilience. The training group I was in had very friendly people who were all up to contribute and work together which was a relief as I can be shy.
Enjoyable and Informative!
This course, firstly, was professionally delivered with an approach that fostered good relationships, peer support and relevant discussions. Shona was nothing short of excellent. The tools and props used were of good quality/standard. Everyone's needs were discussed and given relevant time and attention. Above all there was no judgements on what you needed from the course. Great follow up support is provided. The venue is a well presented and comfortable place with great facilities. The Hub Events has ticked all boxes.
Shona was nothing short of excellent!
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